Department 56 North Pole Village North Pole Polar Pizza Building 6007612
Get the best pizza this side of the North Pole at the Polar Pizza! This building is styled after a brick oven with a gorgeous green brick oven and a restaurant to eat in! The polar pizza offers...

Department 56 North Pole Village Sprinkle Mill Building 6013431
Do you ever wonder where sprinkles come from? While you're decorating your gorgeous Christmas cookies, elves in the North Pole work hard to make the decorations perfect! This mill features a brown...

Department 56 North Pole Building A Tree Of Our Own M&M's Figure 6013437
NEW for 2024
These M&M's love to have fun and build their own trees! They've built a tree out of snow and covered it with colorful candy coated chocolates and saved the peanut M&M for the s

Department 56 Disney Christmas Village Mickey's Tree Lot Building 4059627
Decked out in the most Christmas of colors, this tree lot store has got to be the most festive on the block! You can get hot cocoa at the window before you go back to find the perfect...

Department 56 North Pole Village Gingerbread Cookie Mill Building 6007610
Ever wonder where to Klaus' get their gingerbread cookies? The Gingerbread cookie mill of course! This stunning building features a windmill made of scrumptious cookie decorated with dainty icing in...