Department 56 Disney Christmas Village Mickey's Ski and Skate Building 811263
Get the best ice skates and skis right here at Mickey's Ski and Skate! A red and green building, decorated to perfection with Christmas garland and wreaths, welcomes you to come have fun! You're sure...

Department 56 Disney Mickey's Pumpkintown Village Minnie's Kissing Booth 6013680
NEW for 2024
Kisses from the queen of Pumpkintown are only ONE ticket! Add a new piece to your Disney Halloween village with this adorable piece! It features Minnie Mouse waiting patiently in her c

Department 56 Disney Village Mickey & Minnie Share A Treat Figure 6013666
What can be sweeter than a giant candy cane? We bet the gift Mickey has for Minnie is! Minnie wears a pink puff sleeve shirt and a colorful pleated skirt with a large red bow on her head while Mickey...

Department 56 Disney Village Mickey's Christmas Kiss 4053053
MWAH! Minnie comes up to her love and lays a big ole kiss on his cheek while holding a sprig of mistletoe above them! This is such a cute figure to add to your Christmas village!

Department 56 Disney Christmas Village Mickey Street Lights 4028302
Disney-ify your Christmas village this holiday season with these cute street lamps! It features sleek grey posts with a clear globe topped with black Mickey Mouse ears! Perfect to dot down your...

Department 56 Disney Christmas Village Mickey Water Tower 4028300
Every Disney Christmas village needs a water tower in the center! This one is cute as can be and features a tall red and white tower with large black ears plopped on top! Introduc

Department 56 Disney Village Mickey Lights Up Christmas 4038634
Mickey's got on his casual outfit ready to hang up Christmas lights! This figure features Mickey standing next to a wooden box labelled "lights" and a colorful string of lights in his hand!

Department 56 Disney Village Mickey Topiary 4028299
Even your village houses need some decorations! Put this adorable Mickey shaped topiary bush outside of your favorite house to spice it up a bit! The bush is trimmed to be the shape of Mickey's...

Department 56 Disney's Halloween Pumpkintown Village Mickey & Minnie's Costume Fun Figure 6007728
Who's ready for trick or treating?! Minnie and Mickey are! This figure features Mickey dressed up as a vampire and Minnie in a cute pink and purple witch costume! They detailed their costumes so...