Department 56 Possible Dreams Santa Here Comes Santa Claus Figure 6012249
Santa is taking off ready to deliver gifts to all of the good boys and girls! He is nestled in an ornate red and gold sleigh being pulled up into the sky by his trusted reindeer! They fly up and...

Department 56 Possible Dreams Santa Downhill From Here 6010211
Down the hill we go! Santa takes a break from delivering gifts to go sledding down the hill! The sled is made of wood and behind him sits his large toy bag, on top of the bag 3 little kids sit on top...

Department 56 Possible Dreams Santa Letters to Santa Figure 6011843
NEW for 2023
When you send Santa a letter, it gets put into a bag and he sits down every night to read and respond to them all! This figure features Santa sitting in a big, blue comfy chair as he g

Department 56 Possible Dreams African American Santa Here Comes Santa Claus Figure 6013921
NEW for 2024
Up! Up! And away! Santa waves goodnight after a long evening of delivering gifts! His sleigh is pulled upward by half a dozen reindeer as Santa sits in the red and gold seat of the sle

Department 56 Possible Dreams Santa Ten Santas Leaping Figure 6014795
NEW for 2024
Santa is mounted on the back of a reindeer adorned with red and gold ribbon while he carries a bag full of toys on his back! They sail over the tops of snow covered trees and...

Department 56 Possible Dreams Santa Ready Santa! Rudolph Figure 6013934
NEW for 2024
It's Rudolph's 60th anniversary of saving Christmas for Santa with his bright red nose! Santa and the red nose reindeer sit on a light blue sleigh as they sail down a snow covered slop

Department 56 Possible Dreams Must Be Santa Figure 6012252
NEW for 2023
When you hear that CLOP! CLOP! CLOP! on the roof Christmas eve, you know it's probably just Santa! This figure features the jolly ole elf shimmying down the chimney to deliver gifts! H

Department 56 Possible Dreams Santa Bucket List 6014788
NEW for 2024
Someone's takin' a snooze! Santa is dressed in his best vacation get up with a cocktail in hand and his bucket list in the other! As he lays in a hammock strung up between two palm tre

Department 56 Possible Dreams On the Ball Santa Figure 6012188
NEW for 2023
Heads up! Santa has on his red vacation shirt balancing a colorful beach ball on top of a candy cane! This would look adorable on your mantle this holiday season! Intro