Department 56 Harry Potter Village Hogwarts Astronomy Tower Building 6003327
*CAUTION* Spoilers ahead!
Accessed up a small spiral stairway, alllllllll the way at the top of the Astronomy Tower lies the Astronomy classroom. Astronomy is one of the core classes...

Department 56 Harry Potter Village Hogwarts Great Hall and Tower Building 6002311
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald,

Department 56 Harry Potter Village The Boathouse 6007754
When it's your first year attending Hogwarts, you cross the Black Lake on tiny boats and get off at the boat house! The boathouse fits in perfectly with the Great Hall and the...

Department 56 Harry Potter Village The Owlery Building 6006516
Need to send a letter home? Head up to the cold, open Owlery and send your letter away with an owl! This building has no windows so the owls can come and go as they deliver letters, and in the colder...

Department 56 Harry Potter Village The Quidditch Pitch 6014664
One of the students favorite events and passed times is watching or playing the popular wizard sport, Quidditch! This amazing figure features towers decorated in each houses' colors and...

Department 56 Harry Potter Village Dementor Figure 6010481
Guards of Azkaban, Dementors sure are scary beings. They are faceless, with long grey skinned arms and sharp fingers- they will suck out every happy memory you have if you get too close! If you...

Department 56 Harry Potter Village The Burrow Building 6003328
When you're here, you're home. The Weasley's are the family of Ron, Harry Potter's best friend and partner in all things mischief! This home may look like a dump to you, but it's where Molly Weasley...

Department 56 Harry Potter Village Honeydukes Sweet Shop 6007412
If you don't stop by Honeydukes when visiting Hogsmeade....Did you even go to Hogsmeade?! This sweet shop is a staple in any Harry Potter village! It features a stone building with a teal blue front...

Department 56 Harry Potter Village Hogsmeade Station Building 6009846
When you hop on the Hogwarts Express and head to Hogwarts, you'll end up at Hogsmeade! Hogsmeade train station is a quaint little platform that welcomes students! The building features a brown stone...