Department 56 Christmas Village Accessory Cardinal Christmas Fountain 6013633
NEW for 2025
Add a touch of heart to your village with this adorable snow covered cherub fountain with a bright red cardinal perched on their shoulder! Introduced October 20

Department 56 Village LIT Christmas Pole Tree Accessory 6011460
NEW for 2023
This awesome yard tree is made from colorful lights and a bright gold star at the top of a pole! This is perfect to place in the yard of your favorite village house! Introdu

Department 56 Lit Christmas Tree Lot Village Accessory 4054239
Balsam? Fraser fir? Long needle pine? Whatever tree you like, this lot is sure to have it! The tree lot is lit with a tall street light and marked with a lovely sign in the front decorated with...

Department 56 Cardinal Christmas Gate 6007655
NEW for 2023
This lighted Christmas gate is sure to frame your favorite village houses this holiday season! It features a white picket fence and an arched gate flocked by two lighted trees and the

Department 56 Snow Village A Festive Christmas Gate 6007268
Welcome to Christmas Lane! Imagine this stunning gateway at the front of your Christmas village this holiday season! It features two shining Christmas trees wrapped with multicolor lights with a...